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Director - Niv Klainer
2009, Hebrew, English
Israel, France

Cast: Shmuel Vilozni, Michael Moshonov, Rachel Santillan

bena - scene from the movie
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Amos is a mental health worker, widower, and father to Yurik, a mentally disabled teenager. One day, while visiting one of his patients, Amos discovers Bena, an illegal Thai immigrant. Instead of turning her in, though, he brings her home to care for Yurik. As they develop a fragile but warm relationship, Yurik keeps them apart intimately. When open sexual sparks do fly, Yurik grows jealous and starts to abuse Bena. With no one to turn to, and Amos refusing to hospitalize Yurik, Bena remains trapped. 

Script: Niv Klainer
photography: Itai Marom
Editing: Assaf Korman, Jamal Chlaila
Music: Adi Gelbert 

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